This is classic part of the Big John Bates show. Once again if you missed 'em, you missed a helluva show!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
why is it so damn hard to find a part time job? Oh yeah, the recession...ok dumb question. Still I wish it wasn't this difficult! It's crazy that I'm starting to miss the mind numbing, dead end day job but I am?! Fuck! How did it get this bad? Hopefully something happens soon..anything really. I need some kinda income or I'm gonna end feeding on my insides. Yikes! Never mind finding anything art or film related...I think that's way too much to ask right now. I just need a stupid day job...part time even..I work really damn hard I swear! Anyone hiring now? Anyone?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Old Morons
2009 may just be one of the worst years ever for me. It just garbage...I spent most of the year unemployed and the drama at home just does'nt let up. In fact it just got worst this past weekend...with my mom's boyfriend being even more of an asshole then usual. He got drunk as usual and decided it would be a great fucking idea to get out the guitar and play some music AFTER we all went to bed!!! Fucking moron! He's in his fifties and he's acting like a fucking 20 year old! Smoking pot and being an inconsiderate dick by playing his shitty music really loudly at the 2 in the morning so that we all wake up and listen to it. I tried to get him to shut up by telling him to stop. That did'nt then I pounded the floor. That get him all pissed off...poor fucking baby...he got interrupted from his amateur guitar playing. Of course this caused him to pick fights with my mom, me and my my brother all fucking night and the next day. He even thought it would be a good idea to storm into our rooms and ask who stomped the floor. He is such a fucking dickhead. But what pisses me off most is that just a couple of hours before he was going on and on about how much he loves his "family" and he wanted to invite us all out to the movies the next day. Awwww...what a crock of shit! This is what I hate most about him..that he's ALL TALK AND NO ACTION. If you love someone then you RESPECT them!! You don't wake them up at 2 in the fucking morning when they're trtying to sleep! Is that so hard to understand? Is that too much to do? He talks so much about wanting a better world and "family" but he does NOTHING to make that happen. Guess he's never heard of be "the change you want to see." Geuss not...I hate people like this and there so many of them around here.
I promise myself right now that next year is going to be different. It HAS to be different, if I'm to go on living in this fucked up world. I will get a job and keep it, I will save up and I will pay off my debts. I will move FAR AWAY from Toronto and I will never come back! I need to do this and I fucking will. I feel sorry for my mom but I can't take this anymore! It's making me more crazy then I need to be! I just hope I NEVER have a relationship like this!
I promise myself right now that next year is going to be different. It HAS to be different, if I'm to go on living in this fucked up world. I will get a job and keep it, I will save up and I will pay off my debts. I will move FAR AWAY from Toronto and I will never come back! I need to do this and I fucking will. I feel sorry for my mom but I can't take this anymore! It's making me more crazy then I need to be! I just hope I NEVER have a relationship like this!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Quakes Show in Toronto
This is from The Quakes show in May 2009. They played at The Kathedral..once again it was a great show but there should've been more people there! This is old school psychobilly at it's best!
live show,
The Quakes,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Speaking of Machiavellian
I just filed a claim against my current employer...why? Because they refuse to pay their workers for training and work!! They want me to come in on Friday but they won't pay because apparently I'm still under assesment. Fucking bullshit!! I hope they get investigated and are forced to pay the thousands they owe in wages! They should not be taking advantage of people's desperation to get a job in this's not right. It never will be.
So yeah, that's my little work-related rant for the week. So I've been reading this book called "Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed and my Sister Stole My Mother's Boyfriend" by Barbara Oakley. It's a great, enlightening read that mixes science with the authour's personal story about her Machiavellian sister. It really helped me to understand why certain people have done the things they've done and said the things they've said. I would always take it so personally when someone insulted me or did me wrong. I did'nt understand it had NOTHING to do with was them. They were the's not I did anything to them, it's that for some people happiness means sabotaging someone else's plans. And it really could be anyone who has the misfortune to be in their way. It's really just a matter of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I'm glad I learned this now...better late then never.
So I finally learned what a sociopath is and who their twisted little brain works. It turns out that psychos really do have differen brains and different genes that make them act in the fucked up way they do. It would be nice if they could find a way to eliminate those genes but the only way of doing that would to eliminate people. Everyone has the capacity to do wrong and say malicious rumours and insults. This is a fact and it seems to be getting worse every generation.
Here's a quote that explains the problem of why there so many psychos in cities:
"Studies of migration records showed that many Scottish psychopaths had migrated to the more populated areas of the south. Cook hypothesized that, in the more crowded metropolitan areas, the psychopath could attack or steal with little danger that the victim would recognize or catch him. Additionally, the psychopath's impulsivity and need for stimulation could also play a role in propelling the move to the dazzling delights of the big city-he would have no affection for family and friends to keep him tethered back home. Densely populated areas, apparently, are the equivalent for psychopaths of pond and puddles for malarial mosquitoes. "
Like flies on shit...Just one more reason to get out of the city huh?
No wonder, I've always prefered the country or the beach...anywhere that's less populated. Yes, my plans invlove living far away from large,urban areas. Once I have the money that is and that's a whole other problem. Oh well, at leat I've figured what why my so-called "friends" acted the way they did. Science is oddly comforting for a geek like me. : )
So yeah, that's my little work-related rant for the week. So I've been reading this book called "Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed and my Sister Stole My Mother's Boyfriend" by Barbara Oakley. It's a great, enlightening read that mixes science with the authour's personal story about her Machiavellian sister. It really helped me to understand why certain people have done the things they've done and said the things they've said. I would always take it so personally when someone insulted me or did me wrong. I did'nt understand it had NOTHING to do with was them. They were the's not I did anything to them, it's that for some people happiness means sabotaging someone else's plans. And it really could be anyone who has the misfortune to be in their way. It's really just a matter of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I'm glad I learned this now...better late then never.
So I finally learned what a sociopath is and who their twisted little brain works. It turns out that psychos really do have differen brains and different genes that make them act in the fucked up way they do. It would be nice if they could find a way to eliminate those genes but the only way of doing that would to eliminate people. Everyone has the capacity to do wrong and say malicious rumours and insults. This is a fact and it seems to be getting worse every generation.
Here's a quote that explains the problem of why there so many psychos in cities:
"Studies of migration records showed that many Scottish psychopaths had migrated to the more populated areas of the south. Cook hypothesized that, in the more crowded metropolitan areas, the psychopath could attack or steal with little danger that the victim would recognize or catch him. Additionally, the psychopath's impulsivity and need for stimulation could also play a role in propelling the move to the dazzling delights of the big city-he would have no affection for family and friends to keep him tethered back home. Densely populated areas, apparently, are the equivalent for psychopaths of pond and puddles for malarial mosquitoes. "
Like flies on shit...Just one more reason to get out of the city huh?
No wonder, I've always prefered the country or the beach...anywhere that's less populated. Yes, my plans invlove living far away from large,urban areas. Once I have the money that is and that's a whole other problem. Oh well, at leat I've figured what why my so-called "friends" acted the way they did. Science is oddly comforting for a geek like me. : )
evil corporations,
evil genes,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Big John Bates in Toronto
As you can see this was quite the show...too bad it so few people showed up. This made me embarassed yet again to be from Toronto. Come on people, where's the support for GOOD rock bands? Why do shows full of pretentious, boring indie rock bands get packed while no one bothers to show up for the good stuff. Oh well, you posers missed a hell of a show. Anyway I got to hang with my friends from Vancouver and see a great live show. I recorded most of it along with interviewing the band. The interviews will be a part of a documentary I'm working on.
big john bates,
live show,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Big John Bates in Toronto
This was shot at the Toronto show just this past October. I also filmed interviews which will be included in a film I'm making now. It'll be out soon so keep an eye out.
big john bates,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Halloween 2009
Arkham Asylum,
Halloween 2009,
Harley Quinn,
Hello there! Just wanted to write a short introduction here. This is the first blog I've ever written...yay!! Although I do experience writing for a rag called "Absolute Underground" (check it out, it's free and rad!) and for my own zine "Mary Duh". I'm hoping this can reach a bigger audience then my zine ever's hoping!
I'm gonna publish some samples of comics along with my writing. As well as some artwork I've done and photos and video. Tons of goodies!! Please feel free to comment about anything you'll see here. Thank you...thank you very much!
Cheers, Anita
I'm gonna publish some samples of comics along with my writing. As well as some artwork I've done and photos and video. Tons of goodies!! Please feel free to comment about anything you'll see here. Thank you...thank you very much!
Cheers, Anita
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