I just reads this article in "Psychology Today" (yes, I'm a fuckin' nerd) about a woman who has confronted people for being rude in various creative and effective ways. For example, she calls the cellphone of a "lady" who was having a loud, obnoxious conversation on her mobile.There are way too many people like that these days...who think everyone needs to hear their boring conversations and know everything about them. It's amazing that someone finally did something about it and in such a smart way! I love it..it's genius! I'm gonna start doing this if it's necessary. Interventions for rude people, what a great idea!! That's just what this society needs! Better to stop this now before it really gets out of hand. Anyway here's a link to the original article:
Enjoy and learn!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Just moi
Just want to make it known that I will NOT shut up no matter how much people try to shut me up. Especially men and their tiny dicks and massive egos...go fuck yourselves. Just because you feel threatned by me because I'm not here to please you like every other girl does not give you a right to name call and attack me. I've had enough of being the door mat that everyone feels entitled to walk all over. I will NOT permit this to happen again and again. Not any more. If I have an opinion I will express it wether it causes offense to others or not. I don't care! I have a mind and I'll use it. I have a voice and I'll use it if you don't like it, you don't have to listen. And I definitly am not looking to be best friend's with everyone. If you want to listen to my truth, great...if not that's your loss NOT mine. I know I'm worth getting to know, that I'm a loyal, kind and understanding friend. If others don't see it that's their fucking problem not mine. I'm finally realizing this...I'm my own person. Not like everyone else and there's NOTHING wrong with that. I don't want to like other people anyway because their selfish, judgemental and cynical behaviour disgusts me.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Food For Thought
There's been a lot of discussion going on about diets and healty eating so I thought I'd include the article below. It's about how government policy has a big influence on what we eat and the current health crisis we have (obesity, diabetes, etc). Very well written..it was published last week in a local alternative paper. I also saw the documentary "Food Inc" last night and to be honest, it gave me nightmares! It was'nt just seeing animals getting tortured and slaughtered although that was definitly part of it. What also scared me was how much government and the agriculture industry (which consists of just a half a dozen of corporations) controls the fod system and what we eat on daily basis. It's terrifying to know that so much power is given to selfish individuals who only have their own best interests in mind. There was a story about a mother who lost her child to E-coli and is now trying to get a bill passed to prevent this from happening to other people. You can't geuss how difficult that's been...she has'nt even received an apology from the company that is responsible for poisoning and killing her son. It's so tragic and it just highlights the fact that you can't trust anyone but yourself, especially when it comes to issues like health and nutrition. You can't most of the bullshit that's out there because it's sponsored by industry. It's like I read in "Skinny Bitch" (great book) know what the facts are and make up your own mind. Use your head and don't just go along with what they tell you to believe.Honestly, I would not be surprised if the agenda of the ruling class is to keep people stupid and fat. Because that's exactly what they're accomplishing. With government subsidies for junk food and a mediocre educational system. Actually mediocre is putting it nicely...I did'nt learn fuck all in school. Pretty much all of my knowledge has come from doing my own research, my own reading and my own will to do so. I think it's worth it to not be an ignorant ass. School seems designed to do this because they try to kill your curiousity and thirst for real education. Don't let that happen and stop eating garbage. I may not have all the answers but I just know that's part of the solution to this messed up society.
Go to: http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=173535&archive=29,23,2010
Go to: http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=173535&archive=29,23,2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Moving On..

Yeah...you notice any themes?

Close up of the Mr.J shrine...he's a happy guy! Well, just look at that girl right above him!

I'm moving out soon...so I'm posting these photos of my bedroom as it is now. I don't care if anyone else sees since it's not going to exist anymore. I've had to move from one place to another so many times it's insane. Might as well keep a record of it from now..so if I ever get to be old and senile, I'll remember what it looked like.
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