Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Fan Expo 2011
Fan Expo Finds
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wreck Beach Battle Continued
"Queen Voodoo" by M.C Cruz/Anita Fixx
Copyright/ All Rights Reserved 2011 Loca Leopard Lady Productions
Wreck Beach Battle
Hello! Here is the latest and greatest chapter of "Queen Voodoo" this is the begining of the end of Volume 1...hope you enjoy it. And feel free to let me know about any comment, questions, concerns you may have..as long as your polite about it. Mean people suck..sometimes literally!
The picture below is just a bonus..it has nothing to do with the story. Just a picture of Nin in the nude striking a pin up girl pose. Rrrrr.... : P
Copyright/All Rights Reserved 2011 M.C Cruz
Monday, May 23, 2011
Devil May Cry Foul Continued 2
"Queen Voodoo" by M.C Cruz/Anita Fixx Copyright 2011 All rights Reserved or we will kick your puny ass to hell
Loca Leopard Lady Production
Devil May Cry Foul Continued
Loca Leopard Lady Production
Devil May Cry Foul
Loca Leopard Lady Production
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Robbing The Cradle continued
"Queen Voodo" Copyright and All Rights Reserved 2011
by M.C Cruz/Anita Fixx
Friday, March 11, 2011
Robbing The Cradle "Queen Voodoo"
This is the cover..yes, it ended up here..dumb picture uploading program..grumble. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and go to the next post because the saga continues!
Copyright 2011 and All Rights Reserved to kick your poser,copycat ass. : P
An Open Letter To Women
"I am different, not less."
Temple Grandin
Note: This is NOT directed to anyone in paticuluar, so do not take it personally, thank you.
First of all, I hope you had a Happy Women's Day.
Second of all, I hope that you are concious that there is still a lot of work to be done. Women still earn 20% less then men, they own less then 10% of the wealth, women are still suffering from domestic and sexual violence on a daily basis, etc. etc.
There is also another problem which rarely gets mentioned...the fact that women are complete bitches to other women. There is no other way of saying it, I'm not going to mince words..women are vicious, abusive cunts to each other and I'm still trying to understand why. I don't understand why after we leave fucking high school we still treat each other like we're in there competing for the cute boy or the best grades or whatever dumb shit girls compete over. I've seen it in every possible workplace from the office to the daycare centre. I just don't get it! Why are female managers such cunts to their female co-workers? What is the point of that? Why are they trying to keep their fellow women down? Is is really to their advantage to be the ONLY woman in a position of power at the workplace? I think not, I think they do themselves a disservice because try as they may they will NEVER be a part of the old boys club.
Trust me, I went to film school which was a sausage fest. There were 3 other girls besides me..the girls NEVER even talked to each other. The guys got together in groups and started working together on their films. They treated the girls in the class as invisible, we had no opinion or idea that was worthwhile to them. We were excluded from these boy clubs and we did not build our own alternative club..stupid. What a waste of opportunity.
I've grown up with only brothers and I see how different their friendships are..they truly support each other, they are there for each other when it's needed, they co-operate to make their projects happen, they are loyal and never worry that their pals are going to turn on them one day for no reason whatsoever. Which is the complete opposite of my experience with female friendships..I'm always worried that they will stab me in the back any day of the week. Because of all my shitty experiences I can not help but be paranoid. I have had "friends" talk shit about me all fucking day on an online forum, attack me physically, spread rumours, insult me, steal from me, turn away from me when I most needed their support. And this is the shit that I'm willing to write down here. It's hard for me to grasp why I was the target of so much aggresion and hatred. I can only chalk it up to jealousy..after all, as a teen and young adult I was extremely thin (naturally NOT cuase of an eating disorder to all the shit talkers out there) and since weight is important to most women I can only assume that had something to do with it. I also know that I'm socially awkward and intelligent which is not a combination that makes you popular as a female, not even with other females. In fact I once overheard roommates and their friends talking about me and a guy was telling a girl there that she only hated me because I was more intelligent then them. I was shocked to hear it at the time, but now it makes sense..more sense then other explanations anyway.
I truly hope that one day women will learn to co-operate with each other. I hope that one day women will work on film projects together the way guys do. I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'm not going to waste my time and breath trying to recruit other girls to do something like this. I realize it's a waste of time now. I should'nt even mention that while I worked on my music documentary I met so many bitches that gave me shitty looks and catty comments when I tried to interview a certain band. Dear bands, leave your petty, catty bitchy, girlfriends at home instead of bringing them to the interview. Thank you.
Excuse me, but I'm just sick and tired of all this bullshit. I truly wish sometimes, that I was born a guy so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. I could've had the same healthy friendships my brothers have. It's a shame that I don't have that simply because I'm female. So women and girls if you have an once of compassion, just a tiny bit of empathy think about this seriously and CHANGE. Men can not and will not do all the work for us. If we want to get into male dominated industries and careers then we as women have to HELP each other to achieve that.
And let's make our friendships REAL FRIENDSHIPS where we actually listen to each other, give each other support, and most importantly DO NOT JUDGE each other. Everyone makes mistakes right? So learn to truly forgive and forget! Stop wasting time by remembering stupid shit that was said years ago. I may or may not have meant to offend you..probably not actually. I just say things and sometimes you misinterpet the meaning of my words so do not take it personally!!! Ask me what I meant to say! Listen! Think and then come to your conclusions. Do not jump to conclusions right away, that is just a stupid,short-sighted way to live. Let's learn from the guys and be a bit more relaxed about things.There's no need to judge right away or start insulting someone becuase they're a bit different from you. Live and let live.
"and god help you if you are an ugly girl
course too pretty is also your doom
cause everyone harbors a secret hatred
for the prettiest girl in the room
and god help you if you are a phoenix
and you dare to rise up from the ash
a thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
while you are just flying past
i'm not trying to give my life meaning
by demeaning you
and i would like to state for the record
i did everything that i could do
i'm not saying that i'm a saint
i just don't want to live that way
no, i will never be a saint
but i will always say
squint your eyes and look closer
i'm not between you and your ambition
i am a poster girl with no poster
i am thirty-two flavors and then some
and i'm beyond your peripheral vision
so you might want to turn your head
cause someday you might find you're starving
and eating all of the words you said"
Ani Di Franco
Monday, February 28, 2011
How I Spent My Oscar Night
First, I went to the Azure restuarant at the Intercontinental Hotel for dinner. I invited mi madre because she is the one person that truly deserves this. I won this prize at an Asian Spicy Food Festival last summer..that's what happens when you have an open mind, folks! I enjoy all kinds of cuisine as long as it's veggie. In fact, becoming vegetarian and now vegan has really opened my mind to all kinds of possiblities when it comes to cooking and baking. I've tried ingredients I would have never dreamed of trying when I was younger.
So back to the Azure..what a meal! We arrived at 5pm and left at 8pm...3 hours for dinner! I've never had a chance to consume such a leisurely and delicious meal before. Every dish and every bite I tried was amazing..everything was perfect, the taste, the texture, the presentation. They need to give that chef a raise! Now I probably won't be able to eat at any other place...they've made me a snob! lol This is the first time in my life that I've experienced what a tiny minority in this world experiences (the wealthy) and I loved it! It makes me wish that was my life! It does seem unfair to me that most of us have to go through life paying for bland, unhealthy, fattening crap called "fast food".
Anyway, for what it's worth we had a great time being served by an all male team of waiters and busboys (I geuss that's what they call the guys who remove dishes). For some reason, fancy restuarants pretty much always have waiters that are male...no females are hired. I saw a documentary which explored that issue ("Waitress") and the French restuarant owner they interviewed could'nt give a good answer..it's just tradition. I geuss you could say sexist tradition.
Although in my case I feel more comfortable surrounded by guys then girls..problably because I grew up with brothers and their friends. In fact, when I'm in a roomful of women, that makes me really panicked..which was what happened at the Bloor Cinema washroom when this woman was staring at me. She said she liked my stockings..I said "Thanks" then walked over to the window for the fifth time. Yeah, I really don't socialize with other females, much...I'm too wary and paranoid because of past experience with catty bitches.
So back to dinner! lol : P It was sublime, it that is'nt clear by now. I ordered Ontario green salad to start, a main course of veggie gnocchi and to finish it off Earl Grey tea and Grand Marnier chocolate tart with candied orange as garnish. Absolutely lovely...everything was organic and bursting with flavour. I don't know how they did it but everything was sauteed, roasted, pureed, baked to perfection. Damn! Now I wanna go back! And the waiter was helpful because he suggested I take home some dishes since my gift card had to be used in one visit. So I got chai cheesecake and a tempura entree. This was truly a one of a kind experience for me but I do hope it won't be my only time I get to experience this level of dining.
After that we went to the Bloor Cinema for the Oscars. We were just in time for the show to start..too late to see the red carpet fashions. Oh well, they always show the highlights the next day. Apparently from what I heard this morning on Jian Ghomeshi's radio show..the show was terrible. I thought it was entertaining but that maybe because everyone in the theatre was laughing and having a great time. There was some trivia and prizes..it was fun just to see people duke it out for a toaster from Honest Ed's. : P Honestly, I was ready to fight for it but then I thought naw...I'd rather get a toaster oven. lol
Anyway, I'm glad Natalie Portman won..she deserved it for her role in Black Swan. She completely immersed herself in the character both physically and psychologically. She did ballet training for months..which is NOT easy. I should know... and she did everything possible to give this film emotional impact and she succeded in my opinion. Which is frankly, all that matters.
I thought the other prizes were also justified and Melissa Leo dropping the f-bomb was worth the price of admission (actually it was free becuase I'm a Bloor cinema member but that's besides the point...) : P
And of course, we were the most dressed up people there. Fine by me, it was not an evening to dress like a slob. Once in a while you have to take pride in your appearance like they used to do in the good old days (the 30s-early 60s). Well, good for fashion anyways. : P
C'est Tout!
Friday, January 7, 2011
The New Vampire on the Block continued 2
No, it nothing to do with artist neglect. Haha!
To Be Continued! Same bat time, same bat channel!
"Queen Voodoo" by M.C Cruz/Anita Fixx Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
Loca Leopard Lady Inc.
The New Vampire on the Block continued
All rights Reserved or get skull fucked
The New Vampire on the Block
Finally! It's about fuckin' time eh?! Here is the latest installment of "Queen Voodoo". It's the New Year and I'm writing this on my new laptop which has been a looooooong time coming. Believe me, I've been waiting to have this baby for awhile! And I'm hoping this will only help my comics and other artistic endeavours...One can only hope!
And now without further ado, is "Queen Voodoo"!
"Queen Voodoo" Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
By M.C Cruz/Anita Fixx