Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Cat Fight scene

This is classic part of the Big John Bates show. Once again if you missed 'em, you missed a helluva show!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


why is it so damn hard to find a part time job? Oh yeah, the recession...ok dumb question. Still I wish it wasn't this difficult! It's crazy that I'm starting to miss the mind numbing, dead end day job but I am?! Fuck! How did it get this bad? Hopefully something happens soon..anything really. I need some kinda income or I'm gonna end feeding on my insides. Yikes! Never mind finding anything art or film related...I think that's way too much to ask right now. I just need a stupid day job...part time even..I work really damn hard I swear! Anyone hiring now? Anyone?