Awwww... Are they the sweetest couple ever? Indeed they are! It's Harley Quinn and Joker, the cupcake version.

Yup, just to prove I'm a big fucking nerd I made these cupcakes based on DC comicbook characters! Don't sue me DC as you can see here, I'm just a crazy fan!

Close up of the Wathmen cupcakes. Top left is Dr.Manhattan, bloody Smiley Face and at the bottom centre is Rorshach! I must add my oven is broken at the moment...it's been like the entire fucking month! Damn! I really miss baking...it's one of the only things I can truly enjoy in the middle of winter. Hope it gets fixed soon before I really go bananas...
Oops! I typed wathmen instead of Watchmen! Fanboys don't kill me! It's just a typo..thanks! lols : P